ALBA, dibeli di SIOLA Surabaya pada sekitar Agustus 1992.
Ortuku membeli Arloji ini untuk mengingatkanku tentang waktu Sholat. Jam ini dibeli menjelang aku hijrah ke Jogja. Saat ini kondisinya sudah rusak.
Ortuku membeli Arloji ini untuk mengingatkanku tentang waktu Sholat. Jam ini dibeli menjelang aku hijrah ke Jogja. Saat ini kondisinya sudah rusak.
In the morning when you rise,Do you open up your eyes, see what I see?Do you see the same things ev'ry day?Do you think of a way to start the dayGetting things in proportion?Spread the news and help the world go 'round.Have you heard of a time that will help us get it together again?Have you heard of the word that will stop us going wrong?Well, the time is near and the word you'll hearWhen you get things in perspective.Spread the news and help the word go round.
GIOTONE, kenang-kenangan dari program ENABLE yang diserahkan padaku pada 23 Desember 2008 di Pondok Tingal Magelang oleh mas Didid Adidananto. Salah satu Arloji yang masih kugunakan sehari-hari.
There's a time and the time is now and it's right for me,It's right for me, and the time is now.There's a word and the word is love and it's right for me,It's right for me, and the word is love.
SEIKO Kinetic, milik Almarhum Papa yang diperolehnya sebagai kenangan saat memasuki masa Pensiun sebagai PNS Pemkot Surabaya. Selepas Papa berpulang pada 9 April 2010, maka sejak pertengahan September 2010 jam ini kemudian kugunakan sebagai penanda waktu sehari-hari.
Have you heard of a time that will help get it together again?Have you heard of the word that will stop us going wrong?Well, the time is near and the word you'll hearWhen you get things in perspective.Spread the news and help the word go round.
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim
'Innal-'Insaana lafii khusrin,
'Illallaziina 'aamanuu wa 'amilus-saalihaati wa tawaasaw bil-Haqqi wa tawaasaw- bis-Sabr.
(Jam Dinding pemberian Ijus Narwanto)
'Innal-'Insaana lafii khusrin,
'Illallaziina 'aamanuu wa 'amilus-saalihaati wa tawaasaw bil-Haqqi wa tawaasaw- bis-Sabr.
(Jam Dinding pemberian Ijus Narwanto)
There's a time and the time is now and it's right for me,It's right for me, and the time is now.There's a word and the word is love and it's right for me,It's right for me, and the word is love.There's a time and the time is now and it's right for me,It's right for me, and the time is now.There's a word and the word is love and it's right for me,It's right for me, and the word is love.
studio album cover
Lagu dari "YES", ciptaan Jon Anderson & David Foster dicomot dari album yang berjudul sama: "Time & A Word".
Album ini dirilis Atlantic Records di Inggris pada pertengahan tahun 1970 dan dirilis di Amerika pada November 1970. Personnel YES di album ini adalah:
Jon Anderson: Vocals, percussion
Peter Banks: Electric and acoustic guitars, vocals
Chris Squire: Bass, vocals
Tony Kaye: Piano, organ
Bill Bruford: Drums, percussion
David Foster: acoustic guitars "Time and a Word"
Selepas album ini, posisi Peter Banks digantikan oleh Steve Howe.
oleh Cuk Riomandha pada 14 April 2011
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